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Stories of Merry People: Finding Wellness in the Wild with Re Cabins Founders

Stories of Merry People: Finding Wellness in the Wild with Re Cabins Founders
On this edition of "Stories of Merry People", we are speaking the founders of Re Cabins, a boutique cabin startup centred around wellness and connection fostered in and around the wild outdoors. The growing startup currently has one cabin location, located in a dreamy meadow outside of St Albans, Hertfordshire.
More than just physical stays, Re is a wellness community grounded in the concept of taking time out in nature, in beautiful but accessible locations and in a boutique cabin environment, without the hefty price tag. Re aims to give its visitors three things that they might not get often in day-to-day life - time, space and privacy. 
We have had the pleasure of chatting with Re founders, Luke and Monica, about what merriness means to them, and how, amidst all their adventures, they prioritise wellness and connection in their lives.
Luke (left) and Monica (right). 
Tell us a little about Re Cabins, and what you do!
Luke: I'm a 29 year old founder currently living in London, with my girlfriend Katie, and spaniel Pepper. With Monica, I've founded two businesses; a sustainable interior design studio Ellipse, and Re Cabins.

Monica: I'm about to turn 30 years old, and I work alongside Luke as founder for our two businesses. I'm currently living in London, with two gorgeous cats! This summer, I'm taking some time to explore different wellness retreats around Europe and work more remotely while pursuing a little adventure.

Merriness! For us, it's dancing in the rain and splashing carefree in puddles. What does it mean to you?
Luke: Merriness is about embracing nature and finding joy in life's simple pleasures. It's about having fun, enjoying the little moments, and appreciating the unexpected.
Monica: Merriness is appreciation of nature. Finding joy in the wind and rain just as much as the feeling of sun on your face. Taking inspiration from nature and marvelling as the landscape changes over the seasons.
Slowing down and switching off. What peaceful routines bring you joy?
Luke: Day to day I’m tied to technology, and there’s no better distraction than getting out into nature with my spaniel Pepper - especially if there’s a country pub or cafe involved at the end. I also love staying active through sports, currently getting into open water swimming, running, and cycling. While it might not be the traditional way of switching off, it definitely clears my mind and helps me escape the daily grind.
Monica: Mostly I do yoga and meditation. I also love a long walk where I leave my phone at home and just be present. Disconnecting from devices and feeling grounded in nature. I also like to curl up with my two cats and a movie when the long winter nights roll in.
What's your style motto?
Luke: Simple, classic and versatile. I focus on staple items, adding depth and colour through feature pieces like overshirts and jackets. The style is both smart and comfortable, whilst allowing me to transition seamlessly between different scenarios—from city client meetings to countryside cabin work.
Monica wears our Black Tully Boots
Monica: Comfort is everything. I only wear clothes that I hardly notice I have on. Anything a little restricting or tight is off-menu. I'm out and about a lot, often between the city and the countryside in a day and I like to wear clothes that feel versatile and appropriate in each place, without needing to change. The Merry People Tully boots are great for this as the chunky sole gives them a city edge that means I can go from the countryside to the city without feeling out of place.
What's coming up for you this year?
Luke: We are just scratching the surface with Re, and we’re really excited to keep building our brand and community. We have more cabin locations in the works and are looking forward to launching some exciting wellness retreats soon! On a personal level, my partner and I are about to turn 30, so we’re planning to celebrate the milestone traveling. We're still undecided on the destination, but top contenders are Southeast Asia or New Zealand. I’ve also decided this is the year to attempt my first ironman race - so that’ll likely take over my life, and be all I talk about!
Monica: I'll be travelling a lot this summer on yoga retreats, some solo travel, and a wedding in Ibiza. I'll also be spending time in up state-New York & Berlin checking out some other cabins in other time zones. We'll be working on launching our first wellness retreats towards the end of summer and continue to learn and develop these over Autumn and Winter. Expect some fun collabs with amazing leaders in this space. We'll also be going through fundraising in September with new cabin locations launching shortly after!
Artist Jade Pearl exploring the outdoors during her restful stay at the St Albans Re Cabin.
One of the big differentiators for Re is its connection with nature. What parts of nature do you love to explore in your area?
Luke: We are really fortunate to live right on the border of Epping Forest. It has some amazing walking trails and is great for cycling, apart from the odd hill! Its expansiveness really makes you forget where you are—you wouldn’t have a clue you were on the doorstep of London.
Monica: In London, I live on the Walthamstow Wetlands - I have an amazing view of it from my flat. It draws me out almost every day for a walk along its nature reserve. In the countryside I love going on long walks or runs at sunrise or sunset - it tends to be the most interesting time of day to get out and witness how the shift in daylight plays with nature & the flora and fauna.
Get a glimpse of the Re Cabins experience with Jade's visit on Instagram, or book your own off-grid, immersive summer stay.
All imagery thanks to photographer Tom Joy @tomjoyphoto

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